
8 Days 7 Nights Uganda Intense Birding Safari

8 Days


Upon arrival at Entebbe International Airport, you will be received by our company representative who will be your driver guide on this trip. Meet and greet and later will brief you about your trip and later transfer you to your hotel in Entebbe. In case you arrived earlier in the morning, you will later in the afternoon go birding in Entebbe Botanical gardens. This is home to a variety of bird life that includes; Lizard Buzzard, Woodland, African Pygmy and Pied Kingfisher.

Here we also look out for the Black-headed, Vieilot’s Black, Yellow-backed, Golden-breasted, Spectacled and Orange Weavers. Plus the African Paradise, Red-bellied Paradise, Northern-black and African Dusky Flycatchers, Olive-bellied, Green-headed, Scarlet-chested, Marico, Red-chested and Superb Sunbirds among others. We later return to our hotel for dinner and overnight.

After an early breakfast, with our packed lunch, we start birding towards Mabamba swamp for the Shoebill stork plus other bird species. Also in this swamp we look out for the African and Lesser Jacana, White-breasted, Blue-breast and Little Bee-eaters. We also expect the Purple Swamphen, Lesser Moorhen, Malachite and Pied Kingfishers, Black-headed, Grey and Purple Heron, Long-toed Lapwing, Yellow-billied and White-backed Duck.

The swamp also protects the African Marsh Harrier, Weyns’s Weaver, Blue Swallow and Red-headed among others.
We later proceed to transfer to Lake Mburo National Park, with a stopover at the Equator, for the water experiment, take some pictures at the Equator line and a quick look at the craft shops with lunch en-route, proceed and have another stopover at Kaku swamp to check out some birds like Lesser Moorhen, Little Grabe and African Darter.

Also expect the Grey-crowned Crane, Saddle-billed Stork, Spur-winged and Egyptian Geese, White-faced and Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Hottentot Teal and African Jacana among others. We proceed on to the park, arriving in the evening and check in to our lodge for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast at our lodge, we start our birding/game drive in Lake Mburo national park. This park is one of the smallest Savannah parks in Uganda and protects about 330 bird species and a variety of mammal species. Today we will look out for the Topis, Impalas, Buffaloes, Oribis, Cliffspringers, Elands, Zebras, Warthogs and Baboons among other mammals.

We also look out for bird species in this area including the rare Shoebill Stork, Papyrus yellow and White-winged Warbler. This park also protects the African Finfoot, Saddle-billed Stork, Brown-chested, African Wattled and Senegal Lapwing, Red-faced, Trilling, Long-tailed (Tabora), and Caruther’s Cisticola. We also look out for the Greater Snipe, Spot-franked, Red-faced and Crested Barbet, Yellow-breasted Apalis, Short-toed and Brown Snake-Eagle.

It is also home to the White-winged Black Tit, Broad-billed and Lilac-breasted Roller, Crested and Coqui Francolin among others. We will go back to the lodge for lunch, relax a bit and later in the afternoon, go for the boat cruise on Lake Mburo for yet another but different view of the wildlife. We later return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

We begin the day with a nature walk on the shores of the lake in the park, searching for the early risers like the Hynas, Advaark, Leopards and the only one Lion in the park. We come back to the lodge after that, have breakfast and then embark on our transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park, passing through the rolling hills of Mbarara and the beautiful tea plantations of Bushenyi. We arrive to the park in the evening and check in to our lodge for dinner and overnight.

After an early breakfast at your lodge, we start birding towards the Kasenyi plains in search for birdlife that includes; White-winged, African Reed, Greater and Lesser Swamp Warbler, Black-chested and Brown Snake-Eagle, Temminck’s Courser, Collared Pratincole, African Marsh, Montegu’s and Pallid Harrier, Lesser-striped, Red-rumped, Mosque, Barn and Angola Swallow, Rufous-napped, Red-capped and Flappet Lark, Sulpher-breasted Bush-shrike, Brown-crowned and Marsh Tchagra.

We go back to the lodge for lunch and then later in the afternoon go for a boat ride on Kazinga channel where you shall have a chance to see numerous bird life including : the African skimmer, White-winged, Gull-billed and Whiskered Tern, Grey-headed Gull, Woodland, Malachite and Pied Kingfisher, Common, Green, Wood and Curlew Sandpiper among others. On the Chanel we also expect to encounter some other wildlife like the Buffaloes, Elephants, hippos and crocodiles. We will later return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast, we will go birding towards Kasenyi in search for what we might have missed the previous day and here we expect to encounter savannah birds like the Martial eagle, African Hoopoe, Rupell’s griffon vulture, Temmiinck’s courser and many others. We later transfer to Kibale national park and upon arrival, check-in to our lodge for dinner and overnight.

After an early an early breakfast at our lodge, we enter the forest searching for the Green-breasted Pitta. Kibale national park is home to a community of more than 1000 individuals of Chimpanzees and Chimp trekking is the most popular activity here. We go back to the lodge for lunch and later go bird watching at Bigodi swamp which is close to the forest.

The swamp is home to more than 200 bird species and these include; the Great Blue Turaco, Cameroon Sombre, Yellow-whiskered, Cabanis’s, Little and Joyful Greenbul. It is also home to the Brown-eared, Speckle-breasted, and Cardinal Woodpeckers, White-spotted Fluff-tail, Yellow-billed Barbet, Red-chested, Diedreric and Klaas’s Cuckoo.

Plus the Lesser Honeyguide, Shining-blue Kingfisher, Western Nicator, White-tailed Ant-thrush, Dark-capped and White-winged Warbler, Red-chested, Scarlet-chested, Green-throated, Green-headed and Collared Sunbird. We also expect the Purple-headed Starling and Bocage’s Bush-shrike among others. We will later return to our lodge in the evening for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast, we start birding as we transfer to Kampala/ Entebbe, with a lunch en-route and with another stopover at the equator and later proceed to be dropped of at your hotel or at the airport for your departure flight to the next destination.

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8 Days 7 Nights Uganda Intense Birding Safari
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